Can I purchase without registration?

Once you have added items to the shopping cart you can choose to proceed to Check-out or Check-out with PayPal.

Proceed to Check-out

By selecting “Proceed to Check-out”, you will be redirected to the following page where you can choose to Register & Sign in or to check out through your social media account.

If you sign in with your Facebook or Google account to proceed with the check-out, the related social account will be your login account on Lightinthebox website. You can use the same way to login Lightinthebox to follow your orders.

Check-out with PayPal

By selecting “Check-out with PayPal”, you will be redirected to the login page of paypal website. After you sign in, the email address of your PayPal account will be created as your Lightinthebox login account and a confirmation email with random password for this Lightinthebox account will be sent to that email box. You can use the same account to login Lightinthebox to follow your orders.

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